Don’t abuse reduce
First, why filter(_:)
is so nice
There’s an inverse relationship between generality and clarity. APIs that have a single, narrow purpose are very easy to understand from a quick glance. filter
is one such example. As soon as you see a call to filter
, and without even looking at the sequence it’s called on or the closure it’s passed, you can instantly know a few things:
- You know that
input.count <= output.count
- You know that the input and output elements will have the same type
- You know that the output will be a subset of the input, thus there are no elements in the output that weren’t in the input
On the other hand, reduce
is general. Because reduce
isn’t as “limited” as something like filter
, when you read reduce
on the screen, you can’t automatically infer what that code is doing, unlike with filter
, where you know that you’re just making Array containing a subset of elements.
I suggest that before you use reduce
, you take a careful look what other APIs are available, and use the most specific one possible for your problem. At the end of this post, I’ve made a list of common situations I see reduce
being used, and better alternatives that are available.
is really general.
Generality is good, because it means that reduce
can be useful in a broad range of cases. While this utility is convenient, it needs to be weighed against the competing factor, which is potential the loss of readability. Consider that reduce can be used to implement:
- … and others
Don’t believe me? Check out the sample implementations in the appendix.
Comparison to forEach
is pretty much exactly as powerful as forEach
. The reduce
’s accumulator can be used to maintain state, but you can do that with any old variable, just by capturing in the closure you pass to forEach
. Neither of these APIs is able to skip iterations or bail early.
In fact, Ruby’s Enumerable
module (their equivalent of Swift’s Sequence
protocol) only requires that you implement an each
method (equivalent of forEach
), which they use to implement all other APIs within Enumerable
. However, this is far from perfect, because it means that even simple operations like count
, first
, last
, isEmpty
, etc. become O(n)
. So often times, they’ll be implemented separately to take advantage of the implementation details of the particular sequence’s implementation, for faster performance.
Comparison to for
is not as powerful as for
loops, however. for
loops can support continue
, break
and return
(from the parent scope, not merely the for
loop). You can use try
to mimic a break
or return
, but that’s kinda cheating :p.
Common uses of reduce
and their alternatives
Group values by a key
let words = ["Apple", "Axe", "Bark", "Bench", "Chair", "Cat"]
let wordsByFirstLetter = words.reduce(into: [:]) { acc, word in acc[word.first!, default: []].append(word) }
Better alternative: Dictionary.init(grouping:by:)
let words = ["Apple", "Axe", "Bark", "Bench", "Chair", "Cat"]
let wordsByFirstLetter = Dictionary(grouping: words, by: { $0.first! })
Building up a dictionary from a sequence of keys and values
let keys = ["a", "b", "c"]
let values = [1, 2, 3]
let dict = zip(keys, values).reduce(into: [:]) { acc, pair in acc[pair.0] = pair.1 }
Better alternative: Dictionary.init(uniqueKeysWithValues:)
let keys = ["a", "b", "c"]
let values = [1, 2, 3]
let dict = Dictionary(uniqueKeysWithValues: zip(keys, values))
Keeping complex state in the accumulator
I can’t think of a concrete example right now, but I’ve seen people trying to wrangle really complex state (usually a tuple) as the accumulator of a reduction, with the aim of having their entire computation expressed in one expression, like this code to get an array of every other element:
array.reduce(into: (toggler: true, result: []) { pair, element in
if pair.toggler {
Instead, it’s nicer to just use local mutable variables to express your state, and only use the accumulator for what matters towards the final result (though using filter
would be even better for this case):
var toggler = true
array.reduce(into: []) { acc, element in
if toggler {
Appendix: Example Implementations
extension Sequence {
var shittyFirst: Element? {
reduce(nil) { acc, element in acc ?? element }
var shittyLast: Element? {
reduce(nil) { acc, element in element }
var shittyCount: Int {
reduce(0) { counter, _ in counter + 1 }
var shittyIsEmpty: Bool {
reduce(true) { _, _ in false }
func shittyFilter(_ predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Element] {
try reduce(into: []) { acc, element in
if try predicate(element) {
func shittyMap<T>(_ transform: (Element) throws -> T) rethrows -> [T] {
try reduce(into: []) { acc, element in acc.append(try transform(element)) }
func shittyFlatMap<SegmentOfResult>(_ transform: (Self.Element) throws -> SegmentOfResult) rethrows -> [SegmentOfResult.Element]
where SegmentOfResult: Sequence {
try reduce(into: []) { acc, element in acc.append(contentsOf: try transform(element)) }
func shittyCompactMap<ElementOfResult>(_ transform: (Self.Element) throws -> ElementOfResult?) rethrows -> [ElementOfResult] {
try reduce(into: []) { acc, element in
if let element = try transform(element) {
func shittyPrefix(while predicate: (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> ArraySlice<Element> {
var done = false
return try reduce(into: []) { acc, element in
if done { return }
if try predicate(element) {
} else {
done = true
func shittyPrefix(_ maxLength: Int) -> ArraySlice<Element> {
var done = false
var i = 0
return reduce(into: []) { acc, element in
if done { return }
if i == maxLength {
done = true
} else {
i += 1
print(Array(1...5).shittyFirst as Any)
print(Array(1...5).shittyLast as Any)
print(Array(1...5).shittyFilter { $0.isMultiple(of: 2) })
print(Array(1...5).shittyMap { $0 + 10 })
print(Array(1...5).shittyFlatMap { [123, $0, 321] })
print([1, nil, 2, nil, 3].compactMap { $0 })
print(Array(1...5).shittyPrefix { $0 < 3 })